How parametric solutions can help fill the climate risk gap — Descartes
Group 8

How parametric solutions can help fill the climate risk gap

As renewal season came to an end for 1/1/2021, many companies were left with insufficient capacity or placement shortfalls.

Whether you weren’t able to complete your clients’ full placement, were forced to compromise for lower Nat Cat limits than needed, or ended up with higher self-insured retention than desired, Descartes’ parametric solutions offer an alternative to complete the placement and fill the gap left on the Natural risks cover.

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As renewal season came to an end for 1/1/2021, many companies were left with insufficient capacity or placement shortfalls.

Whether you weren’t able to complete your clients’ full placement, were forced to compromise for lower Nat Cat limits than needed, or ended up with higher self-insured retention than desired, Descartes’ parametric solutions offer an alternative to complete the placement and fill the gap left on the Natural risks cover.

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